





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2023-01-11 发布人:
The cold regeneration technology is constructed on the basis of the actual conditions of the original highway, which not only has no impact on the original subgrade, but also is conducive to improving the grade of the original highway, and at the same time, the layer thickness is controlled more accurately. Let's talk about the application of cold recycling technology in the treatment of old pavement!
In the process of cold pavement regeneration construction, the existing pavement shall be planed according to the thickness required by the design scheme. The milling machine shall operate at a constant speed, and the speed shall be controlled at about 4-6 m/min. The milled pavement shall not be united into blocks.
After the old pavement surface material is broken, it should be screened, and the size and grading of recycled aggregate should be controlled reasonably to avoid excessive particle size, and transported to the designated mixing site for centralized stacking.
The second is to trim the lower bearing layer, remove the sundries on the surface, adjust the slope of the road arch, and timely deal with the potholes, peeling and other phenomena to avoid affecting the bonding performance with the recycled structural layer. After the quality acceptance, evenly spread the emulsified asphalt prime coat onto the surface of the lower bearing layer.
If the gradation of raw pavement materials cannot meet the construction standard of cold recycling technology, a certain amount of new aggregate shall be added, and the selected aggregate technical indicators shall comply with relevant technical specifications.
In order to improve the early strength of the recycled structural layer, in general, the recycled mixture should be mixed with an appropriate amount of cement, and the cement material with a long initial setting time should be used. On the basis of fully mastering the performance indicators of various raw materials, the best mix proportion is determined through multiple tests to ensure that the requirements of highway engineering construction are met.
In addition, the selection and proportion of materials should be appropriate. The construction party shall define the mixing proportion of good materials according to the concrete structure of the whole pavement, so as to achieve the function of improving the rigidity of the formed pavement to a large extent. For example, when selecting aggregates, it should be noted that the quality of aggregates should be greater than 5mm, accounting for at least 40% of the weight in the material mix. Only by doing this can the quality of the formed pavement be guaranteed.
The continuous improvement of cold regeneration technology can successfully solve these problems and complete the road repair work without prohibiting the road traffic. It has better promoted economic development. For more relevant content, please visit our website http://www.tclqgc.com Consult!

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