





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2022-10-14 发布人:
When people began to pay attention to the relevant information of different industries, the special points of each industry began to get people's attention. For example, in road construction, the cold recycling machine is a very good old asphalt pavement reconstruction machine. How about cold recycling machine for old asphalt pavement reconstruction? The cold regeneration machine rental manufacturer will explain it to you.
1. Cold in place recycling of asphalt pavement is not generally understood to restore the damaged asphalt pavement to its original state, but to smash and mix the old surface course and part of the base course together and then rebuild them into a new base course (or subbase). Strictly speaking, this process should be called the in-situ reuse of old asphalt pavement materials.
The working principle of in situ cold recycling of pavement is to selectively add appropriate amount of aggregate, cement, lime, fly ash, emulsified asphalt, foam asphalt, water and other external materials based on the original old pavement according to the new design requirements. In fact, the in situ cold recycling equipment is a large stabilized soil road mixer,.
Under natural normal temperature, the milling, crushing, adding, mixing, paving and other processes of the old pavement (pavement and part of the base course) are continuously completed on the spot, followed by leveling and rolling to build a special graded road base (or subbase).
2. The on-site cold recycling machine has a wide scope of application and obvious construction advantages. Because the on-site cold recycling construction is to change the surface course and base course of the original road into a new road base (or subbase), the surface course of the new road must be paved at least on the basis of this elevation.
Moreover, in the reconstruction of high standard roads, sometimes the recycled layer is used as the subbase, and on this basis, lime fly ash macadam and other base materials are also paved, which makes the pavement elevation after reconstruction much higher than the original pavement elevation, and the design structure of the pavement along the road structures will change accordingly.
If this method is used in urban road construction, the original drainage system will also be affected. Therefore, this method should not be used for roads with strict limitation on pavement elevation.
We have learned from the above two aspects about the problem of cold recycling machine for old asphalt pavement reconstruction. If you have any questions about this, please come to our website http://www.tclqgc.com Look!

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