





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2022-10-17 发布人:
What does the construction technology of cold regeneration include? Many people will ask this question recently. In order to let everyone better complete the construction and have a good construction quality, the following cold recycling machine rental manufacturer will tell you about it.
The construction process of using the stable in place cold recycling technology for road maintenance is first to close the traffic road of the maintenance section, then to carry out the construction setting out to ensure that the construction is carried out according to the drawings, to clean the original road and prepare the raw materials to be added, to prepare the cold recycling unit for crushing and mixing, to pave and roll the mixture, and to conduct professional treatment at the joints and turns, After receiving inspection and supervision to confirm that the quality is qualified, pay attention to the maintenance during the curing period, and then it can be put into use.
Before the construction of cold regeneration technology, a lot of preparatory work is required before formal construction. The quality of the subsequent construction results depends on the quality of the preparation work, as follows:


We should take samples of the damaged pavement that needs to be repaired for analysis. When taking samples, we should pay attention to uniform sampling, and try to ensure that the data analyzed at the sampling points conform to the overall situation of the road. In the analysis of dilapidated pavement, the respective content of cement macadam of the damaged pavement, as well as the compressive strength and good water content required for successful road construction should be measured.
Select the proportion of new materials added to the recycled materials according to the proportion of raw materials of the damaged pavement. The type of cement and the size of crushed stone used for new materials, as well as the additives to change their performance, shall be configured according to the preparation of the previous part. Drinking water can be used for mixing.
We prepare the machinery used in the construction of cold recycling technology, including cold recycling machines for processing raw materials, rubber tyred rollers for rolling, watering carts for auxiliary curing and other bulldozer graders, and other mechanical equipment.
Check the operation condition of these mechanical equipment, and repair the problematic equipment to avoid the occurrence of events that delay the construction time due to mechanical failures that have already started construction. More relevant content will come to our website http://www.tclqgc.com Consult!

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