





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2023-05-26 发布人:
I believe everyone is unfamiliar with equipment such as cold recycling machines. In fact, they are commonly used in road construction and treatment. Currently, asphalt roads are basically covered, and such equipment is necessary for road construction and maintenance. The content introduced by the rental manufacturer of the cold regeneration machine today is its working principle and advantages.
Working principle of cold regeneration machine
When the cold regeneration machine moves forward, the rotor rotates and grinds the raw road material. At the same time, water is transported through a hose from the water tank connected to the road cold regeneration machine and sprayed in the mixing chamber of the road cold regeneration machine. The water delivery is controlled by a microprocessor controlled pumping system to achieve the required water content, and the grinding rotor mixes the water with the grinding material.
Liquid stabilizers, such as hot asphalt (cold recycling device with foam asphalt foaming device can heat hot asphalt to 60 ℃ and mix it with a small amount of water), can be sprayed into the mixing chamber through specially designed nozzles. The road surface before the cold recycling machine is pre sprayed with cement and other powder stabilizers according to the designed dosage, and the powder stabilizers are mixed with recycled materials and water in one go.
In cases where the primary level of the recycled layer is poor, some missing aggregates can be sprinkled on the road surface before recycling, and the grading of the original road material can be improved by mixing with old materials.
Advantages of Cold Regenerator
The advantages of a cold recycling machine are also very many. Compared with the method of adding new materials to the old paving layer, our cold recycling machine can actually reduce costs, usually between 20% and 46%.
It can also fundamentally improve the level of our roads by improving the bearing capacity of the grassroots, which is of great significance for our low-grade highways; There is no weak interface between the thinner layers that sometimes occurs in traditional construction methods within the uniform and thicker layers produced by cold regeneration construction.
The cold recycling machine actually causes relatively little damage to our roadbed, as it usually operates in a one-time manner and only passes through our roadbed once. It can also save us a lot of new material usage, which protects our resources.
The above is about the working principle and advantages of cold regeneration machines. I hope the article by the editor can provide you with some help and reference value. If there are customers who need to rent cold regeneration machines, they can directly contact our company http://www.tclqgc.com Contact and consult.

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