





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2022-03-10 发布人:
Why is the cold regenerator so popular in the current road construction? In the final analysis, it is because it is a machine with high efficiency, multiple uses, milling, crushing and mixing, which can save a lot of things. What are the four advantages of the cold regenerator in the use process.
Although soil replacement does not represent the current level of technology, it still needs to be used frequently. Through its powerful grinding and mixing motor, the regenerator mixes the pre separated adhesive (such as lime or cement) into the existing soil with poor bearing capacity, and locally converts it into road construction materials, so as to realize the uniform mixing of soil and adhesive, and has high compressibility, tensile strength, shear strength, water resistance, frost resistance and high volume stability. Typical projects include the construction of the park, the construction of the airport and the parking lot. Soil stability is significantly better than land exchange because it reduces truck traffic, shortens construction time, and reduces resource consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.
2. Homogenization treatment: the regenerator uses efficient grinding and mixing motors to homogenize the soil by adding adhesives to granulate and loosen the existing soil. After passing through the leveler, it is used to stabilize the soil.
3. Lime stabilization: apply lime in advance, mix it with the existing soil with a regenerator to obtain a uniform mixture, grind it flat with a screwdriver and compact it with a roller.
4. Cement stabilization: Cement spreader or manual brushing shall be used in advance, and then the water load shall be connected to the regeneration. The cement is mixed with the existing soil through regeneration, and the water is injected into the regeneration mixing chamber through the nozzle. After leveling with grader, compact with roller.
The above is a detailed introduction to the leasing of cold regenerator. I hope it will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service http://www.tclqgc.com

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