





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2022-02-19 发布人:
Generally speaking, the pavement subject to heavy traffic for a long time will have subgrade damage. In order to solve this damage, the whole pavement needs to be structurally repaired. The road cold recycling machine reuses all the milling materials, and its economic treatment mode makes the cold recycling construction of foamed asphalt become a pioneering solution to achieve the environmental protection and economic role.
Composition and working principle of pavement cold regenerator
组成:路面冷再生机是沥青路面冷再生施工中的主要设备,一般由 动力系统、传动系统、工作装置、喷洒系统和操纵控制系统组成。
Composition: pavement cold recycling machine is the main equipment in asphalt pavement cold recycling construction. It is generally composed of power system, transmission system, working device, spraying system and operation control system.
工作原理:路面冷再生机向前行进时,转子向上旋转铣刨原路面材料,同时, 水通过软管从路面冷再生机连接的水车中输送过来,并在路面冷再生机的拌和仓中喷洒。水的输送量通过微处理器控制的泵送系统控制,以达到需要的含水量。铣刨转子将水与铣刨料充分拌和。液体稳定剂,例如热沥青 (冷再生机自带泡沫沥青发泡装置,可将热沥青加热到160- 180 °C,与少量水混合发泡)可通过专门设计的喷洒嘴被喷洒到拌和腔;粉状稳定剂如水泥需按设计添加量事先洒布在路面冷再生机前的路面上,路面冷再生机将粉状稳定剂与再生料和水一次性拌和。如遇再生层原级配不良的情况,可在再生前将所缺少的部分集料洒布在 路面上,通过与旧料拌和来改善原路面材料的级配。
Working principle: when the pavement cold regenerator moves forward, the rotor rotates upward to mill the raw pavement materials. At the same time, the water is transported from the water truck connected to the pavement cold regenerator through the hose and sprayed in the mixing bin of the pavement cold regenerator. The delivery volume of water is controlled by the pumping system controlled by microprocessor to achieve the required water content. The milling rotor fully mixes the water with the milling material. Liquid stabilizer, such as hot asphalt (cold recycling machine with foam asphalt foaming device, can heat asphalt to 160-180 degrees C, mixing with a small amount of water) can be sprayed to the mixing chamber through a specially designed spray nozzle. Powdery stabilizer such as cement shall be sprinkled on the pavement in front of the pavement cold regenerator according to the designed addition amount. The pavement cold regenerator will mix the powdery stabilizer with recycled materials and water at one time. If the original grading of the recycled layer is poor, the missing part of the aggregate can be sprinkled on the pavement before regeneration, and the grading of the original pavement materials can be improved by mixing with the old materials.
本文由冷再生机租赁为您提供,我们的网站是:http://www.tclqgc.com  我们将以全心全意的热情为您提供服务,欢迎您的访问
This article is provided for you by the cold regenerator rental. Our website is: http://www.tclqgc.com We will provide you with services with wholehearted enthusiasm. Welcome to visit

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