





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2021-10-09 发布人:
Due to the rapid growth of heavy traffic, roads in various regions are obviously aging. In order to improve the long-term functional characteristics of road infrastructure, more and more roads need to be structurally repaired. For many cold regenerator leasing is also very critical!
To complete the road structural repair faster, no matter where the road repair project meets the same requirements, it is economic and environmental protection, and it also needs to be completed quickly, because the time is very critical, the patch cycle repair does not comply with the principle of sustainable development, and it can not fundamentally solve the problem. Many cold regenerator rental manufacturers will pay more attention to this, H cold regeneration process is very common today, and the demand for this process will continue to grow in the future.
For example, in the local cold regeneration process, according to the damage degree of the road, the asphalt layer is regenerated by the cold regenerator in whole or part of the thickness within the full width at one time, mixed with binder on site, and then paved immediately. Wittgen crawler type regeneration machinery adopts the undercutting process, which was developed by the pioneer wittgen company in the field of cold regeneration many years ago. Milling and mixing are carried out at the same time during the operation.
This technology has become a very important method in recycling daily construction, especially for old and broken asphalt pavement. One advantage of the cold regeneration process that can not be underestimated is that it can significantly save energy in material processing, and the raw materials do not need to be dried or heated, which means that compared with the traditional repair methods, it is important that this cold regeneration design scheme can greatly reduce the amount of binder and completely eliminate the transportation demand, Cold regeneration technology can keep the road at a relatively low cost.

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