





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2021-07-29 发布人:
Wittgen cold regenerator is a very popular brand in cold regeneration construction. Today I'll take you to know what wittgen cold regenerator is like?
作为维特根冷再生机的老客户,维特根的产品大的优势是耐用、自动化程度高,而液压控制、操控舒 适简便也是维特根产品的特点。
As an old customer of wittgen cold regenerator, the major advantages of wittgen's products are durability and high degree of automation, and the hydraulic control, comfortable and simple operation are also the characteristics of wittgen's products.
In terms of equipment improvement, wittgen cold regenerator has also been improving. After purchasing a piece of equipment, no major changes have been made to the equipment, but the fan blows the hydraulic cylinder obliquely, so a wind shield is added. When buying two cold regenerators, this problem can now be carefully solved.
The wr250 is more powerful than the wr2500s, with a higher degree of automation, simpler and more humanized operation. For example, the intelligent video system enables the driver to see the front, rear, left and right situations and mixing effects through video images in the cab. "
In addition, there are equipment tools, milling system, intelligent operating system and other aspects, which are continuously improved by manufacturers. This concept of continuous research and improvement also makes the company more recognize the wittgen brand.
Wittgen also has a unique cold recycling technology of asphalt pavement, which can not be realized by many other brands. It is understood that many brands of Cold Re vitality are not able to do the cold recycling of foamed asphalt and emulsified asphalt in situ. Because emulsified asphalt needs a special metering system with special preheating, heating and circulation system, which is a core technology unique to wittgen and cannot be imitated by other brands.

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