





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2023-05-03 发布人:
Cold regeneration machine refers to equipment that performs cold regeneration treatment on asphalt pavement that has already been used. In road construction, the application of cold recycling machines can effectively improve the reuse rate of old road surfaces, reduce construction costs and environmental pollution. The main function of cold recycling machine equipment in road construction is to renovate and process the old road surface that has already been laid. During this process, the cold recycling machine rental manufacturer believes that the following steps need to be taken into consideration:
Cleaning: Before conducting cold regeneration treatment, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the old road surface and remove all debris such as soil and gravel.
Grinding: After the cleaning work is completed, the old road surface needs to be ground using cold reactivation, and the crushed stones and asphalt milled from the old road surface need to be mixed evenly again.
Adding asphalt: After grinding is completed, it is necessary to add new asphalt to the cold recycling machine equipment and mix it evenly with the crushed stones of the old road surface.
Compaction: After the asphalt and crushed stone are evenly mixed, a roller needs to be used to compact them to ensure that the road surface is flat and compact.
Cover treatment: After the final compaction, it is necessary to carry out cover treatment on the new road surface to ensure its smooth, waterproof, wear-resistant and other properties.
It should be noted that during cold recycling treatment, it is necessary to ensure the safety of equipment and workers, reasonably select refueling points and use asphalt methods, and reasonably select the working parameters and parameter settings of the cold recycling machine based on the road conditions. If you have any questions or needs, feel free to contact us at any time http://www.tclqgc.com !

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