





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2023-02-27 发布人:
Local cold recycling refers to the operation process of making full use of the existing asphalt pavement materials, adding some new aggregates according to the requirements for the performance of the mixture, and adding a certain amount of cement according to the design, and continuously completing the milling, crushing, mixing, paving and compaction of the materials under the natural environment temperature, so as to build a new base with the required performance quality. What should we pay attention to when rolling and shaping with local cold regeneration? The cold regeneration machine rental manufacturer explains to you:
(1) According to the difference of road width, wheel width and wheel width of the roller, the rolling scheme shall be formulated, so that the rolling times of each part shall be the same as far as possible, and the two sides of the pavement shall be rolled more than 2-3 times.
(2) After cold reinvigoration, a large-tonnage single-drum vibratory roller shall be equipped for initial compaction. During the initial compaction, let the roller immediately follow the regenerator to carry out a static compaction, and then use strong vibration (high amplitude and low frequency) for compaction. The number of compaction times should be sufficient to ensure that the compactness within the range of 2/3 thickness of the bottom of the regeneration layer meets the specified requirements.
(3) After completing the cold regeneration and initial compaction of a working section, the grader shall be used for shaping immediately. In the straight section, the grader scrapes from both sides to the center of the road; In the flat curve section, the grader scrapes from the inside to the outside.
(4) Before shaping, if the water loss on the surface of the cold recycled material is serious, it can be sprinkled first and then reshaped with a grader.
(5) After shaping, the single-drum vibratory roller shall be used for re-pressing with weak vibration (low amplitude and high frequency) immediately. The straight line and the flat curve section with no very high height shall be overlapped by 1/2 wheel width each time when rolling from the shoulder to the center of the road, and it is one time when rolling the full width of the road. Generally, it needs to be rolled 4~6 times. The rolling speed of the roller should be 1.5~1.7km/h for the first two passes, and 2.0~2.5km/h for the next two passes.
(6) After that, the rubber wheel roller shall be used for final compaction, and water can be sprayed for rolling if necessary.
In addition, using the existing asphalt pavement materials (surface course and base course), according to the requirements for the performance of the mixture, and adding no less than 5% of cement according to the design requirements, the operation process of milling, crushing, mixing, paving and compaction of the materials under the natural environment temperature is continuously completed, and then the new base course with the required performance quality is constructed.
Here are the precautions for rolling and shaping with cold regeneration on the spot. If you have any doubts about this, or if you have any rental needs for equipment, you can come to our website at any time http://www.tclqgc.com Get information!

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