





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2021-12-17 发布人:
The leasing of pavement cold recycling machine is one of the main business projects of our company Cold regenerator treatment road full depth renovation The cold regenerator 0 has an efficient mechanical rotor drive system, and the three speed gearbox is the core of the system The cold regenerator has automatic depth control device The load control device can keep the engine speed at the peak torque for continuous high yield The four steering modes enrich the mobility of the machine There are three rotor options: General rotor specially used for asphalt layer crushing; Combined rotor with crushing function and stability function; And two special soil stabilizing rotors suitable for different soil types Now I'd like to introduce cold recycling lease to you
The cost is low. According to the introduction of foreign construction data, compared with the method of paving new materials on the old paving layer, in-situ cold regeneration can reduce the cost
Improving the old road grade can fundamentally improve the road grade through the improvement of base bearing capacity, which is of special significance to low-grade highways
The integrity of the structure, in the uniform thick paving layer produced by cold regeneration construction, there is no weak interface between thinner paving layers sometimes appeared in traditional construction methods
The subgrade will not be damaged. Since the cold regeneration construction is a one-time operation, the regeneration unit only passes through the exposed subgrade once Therefore, compared with the traditional construction method, the damage to the subgrade is less
Materials are saved and all old paving materials are used locally, which greatly reduces the consumption of new materials and protects resources
The construction period is short, because there is no transportation problem of old materials, no target loosening and crushing of old materials by other machinery, no removal and special crushing of large materials, and more importantly, the one-time operation characteristics of the construction process are greatly simplified

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