





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2024-04-06 发布人:


Bulldozers are suitable for various types of terrain, including wetlands and dry land. However, there are different applicable methods and limitations for each type of terrain.


For wetlands, due to the soft and easily muddy ground, it is necessary to use bulldozers with wide tires to reduce damage to the ground. At the same time, wetland soil contains a large amount of water, which increases the friction force of bulldozers during operation, so more maintenance and upkeep may be required. In addition, when carrying out bulldozer operations in wetlands, special attention should be paid to traction and wheel trajectory to ensure safety and stability.



Tip 1: The slope of the longitudinal uphill bulldozer should not exceed 30 °. If the bulldozer slides backwards due to operational errors, causing the engine to reverse and the air filter to smoke, the throttle control lever should be quickly pushed to the position without fuel injection. After checking and cleaning the air filter, it can be restarted. When pushing soil laterally on slopes with an angle exceeding 25 °, the ground should be excavated and filled first to ensure that the machine remains stable before allowing operation to prevent the bulldozer from tipping over.


Tip 2: When pushing soil along the mountain, it is necessary to master the principle of "high outside and low inside", that is, to be higher on the side of the cliff and lower on the side of the mountain slope to ensure the safety of machine production. When pushing soil and rock towards the cliff, it is important to slow down in a timely manner, and the bulldozer should not push out of the edge of the cliff. When reversing, you should first shift into reverse gear and wait for the bulldozer to start before lifting the bulldozer shovel to prevent early lifting of the bulldozer shovel from crushing the soil along the edges and causing slipping and overturning accidents.


Site operations

技巧三:一般场地平整时,先平整高差较大的地段,待整个区域平整高差小于±20 cm时,再根据标高,平整出一小块地方,然后从此块开始,逐铲顺序推平,每次重叠30~40 cm,直整个区域平整为止。推土厚度不宜太深,应保持中速行驶,若推土机行驶不平稳,则应及时调整铲刀的推土深度。倒退时可将铲刀放在地面上拖行,利用浮土来填平小坑。

Tip 3: When leveling a general site, first level the area with a large height difference. When the entire area is leveled to a height difference of less than ± 20 cm, then level a small area according to the elevation. Then, starting from this block, level it step by step, overlapping each time by 30-40 cm, until the entire area is leveled. The thickness of the bulldozer should not be too deep, and it should be driven at a medium speed. If the bulldozer is not moving smoothly, the depth of the bulldozer should be adjusted in a timely manner. When reversing, the shovel can be placed on the ground and towed, using floating soil to fill small pits.

技巧四:起伏场地平整时,应先铲除突出地面较大的土堆,尽量铲满土送低洼处卸掉。一旦出现波浪形地面,应先推平一处,让推土机停放平稳再逐段将波浪形地面铲平,然后进行长距离快速平整。若2台以上推土机同时作业,铲刀重叠应控制在20 cm左右;各机速度应保持一致,倒退路线必须平直,以免发生相互碰撞事故。

Tip 4: When leveling the undulating field, the soil pile that protrudes from the ground should be removed first, and as much as possible, the soil should be filled and sent to a low-lying area for unloading. Once a wavy ground appears, one area should be leveled first to allow the bulldozer to park smoothly, then the wavy ground should be leveled section by section, and then quickly leveled over a long distance. If two or more bulldozers are operating simultaneously, the overlap of the blades should be controlled at around 20 cm; The speed of each machine should be consistent, and the reverse route must be straight to avoid collision accidents.

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