





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2023-11-21 发布人:


The cold regeneration machine has an efficient mechanical rotor drive system, with a three-speed gearbox as the core. The cold regeneration machine has an automatic depth control device. The load control device can maintain the engine speed at peak torque to continuously achieve high production. The four steering modes enrich the machine's maneuverability. There are three rotor options: a universal rotor specifically designed for asphalt layer crushing; Combination rotor with both crushing and stabilizing functions; And two specialized soil stabilization rotors suitable for different soil types


1. Low cost, according to foreign construction materials, compared to the method of adding new materials to the old pavement layer, on-site cold regeneration can reduce costs



2. Improving the grade of old roads can fundamentally achieve the improvement of road grade through the improvement of grassroots bearing capacity, which is of special significance for low-grade highways


3. The integrity of the structure results in a uniform and thicker layer, without the weak interface between thinner layers that sometimes appears in traditional construction methods


4. No damage to the roadbed, as cold regeneration construction is a one-time operation, the regeneration unit only passes through the exposed roadbed once. Therefore, compared to traditional construction methods, the damage to the roadbed is relatively small


5. Material saving, all old paving materials are utilized on-site, greatly reducing the amount of new materials and protecting resources

6、工期短,由于不存在旧料的运输问题,不需要其他机械对旧料的靶松和破碎,不需要大块材料的去除和专门破碎,更重要的是施工过程的一次性作业特点大大简 化了施工程序,从而节约了施工时间

6. The construction period is short, and due to the absence of transportation problems for old materials, there is no need for other machinery to loosen and crush the old materials, and there is no need for the removal and specialized crushing of large blocks of materials. More importantly, the one-time operation characteristics of the construction process greatly simplify the construction process, thereby saving construction time


7. Cold recycling is used to protect the environment, because the use of old materials has greatly reduced the mining output of new materials, and there is no problem in the transportation and stacking of old materials, which fundamentally meets the requirements of environmental protection

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