





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2023-07-05 发布人:
The pavement cold recycling machine will reuse all milling materials, and its treatment method of economic development will promote the use of foamed plastic asphalt for cold recycling engineering construction to become a pioneering solution to achieve the effect of environmental protection and economic development. Below, the rental manufacturer of the cold recycling machine will explain to you the composition of the road cold recycling mechanism and its working principle.
Composition of road surface cold regeneration machine:
The road surface cold recycling machine is a key machine equipment in the construction site of asphalt road surface cold recycling, generally composed of power device, transmission device, working equipment, spraying system software, and automatic control system.
Working principle of road surface cold regeneration machine:
When the road surface cold regeneration machine moves forward, the motor rotor rotates upwards to mill and plane the raw materials of the original road surface. In addition, water is transported back from the sprinkler connected to the road surface cold regeneration machine through plastic hoses and sprayed in the mixing bin of the road surface cold regeneration machine.
The water supply volume is accurately controlled by the underwater concrete system software controlled by a microcontroller to achieve moisture content. The rotor of the milling motor thoroughly mixes water with the milling material. Liquid thickeners, such as hot asphalt (the cold recycling machine is equipped with foam plastic asphalt polyurethane foaming equipment, which can heat the hot asphalt to 160-180 ° C and mix it with a small amount of water for polyurethane foaming) can be sprayed to the mixing chamber through the spray nozzle according to the professional design scheme;
Powder thickener, such as concrete, needs to be pre coated according to the design plan on the road surface in front of the cold recycling machine. The cold recycling machine mixes the powder thickener with recycled particles and water in one go. If the original mix ratio of the reconstructed layer is not good, the missing part of the asphalt mixture can be thoroughly coated on the road surface before it dies again, and the mix ratio of the original road surface raw materials can be improved by processing and mixing with waste materials.
That's all for the explanation of the composition and working principle of the road surface cold regeneration mechanism. We hope it can provide you with good help. For more information, please come to our website http://www.tclqgc.com consulting service

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