





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2023-03-20 发布人:
Pavement paving machinery is mainly used to pave various materials for the base and surface layers of highways. It is composed of various system accessories that cooperate with each other to complete the paving work, mainly including the walking system, hydraulic system, transportation and distribution system, and so on. The cold recycling machine rental manufacturer will talk about the method of transporting the bottom material and the maintenance method after leasing the paver.
After renting out pavers, they are frequently used during road construction, and more and more paver manufacturers attach great importance to this aspect. However, the use of pavers cannot be separated from their advanced technology, namely, the material conveying floor.
Nowadays, many customers are blindly seeking cheap and medium quality steel plates as raw materials for the material conveying floor slab in terms of material selection. This phenomenon is very common, but this method of selecting the floor slab is very incorrect because the construction conditions of road machinery are relatively strict nowadays. Choosing poor quality steel plates not only affects your construction quality, but also delays the normal construction period, This is also crucial for many manufacturers that rent out cold and rebirth products!
Factors such as the material paved by the paver, the tonnage per hour, or special construction sites, such as the roughness of the paved material, repeated paving, and large variations in the thickness of the paving, can cause wear on the material conveying floor. Good equipment operation requires regular inspection and careful maintenance.
Maintenance matters:
1、 Check the oil circuit and lubrication system to see if the amount of engine oil, fuel, coolant, and hydraulic oil is sufficient, if the quality meets the requirements, and if there are leaks in various components. If necessary, timely supplement or replace them. Check whether the central grease pump is working, whether the grease is sufficient, and whether its pipes are smooth.
2、 Always clean the paver and check the electrical, pneumatic, and heating systems. Timely remove asphalt and sand on the surface of the paver, and remove old oil, dust, debris, and dirt from the surfaces of the engine, hydraulic components, and other components; Check and clean the air filter; Check various vulnerable parts and aging parts, and timely adjust or replace them if necessary; Check whether the electrical systems, fuses, lines, and electrical connectors are in good condition and loose; Before each operation, let each working device operate without load and check whether each working device operates normally; At the same time, check whether the nozzle, connecting pipe, air tank, and switches of the heating system are normal.
3、 Check the connection and tightness of the paver. Including whether the connection is firm and intact, especially to ensure the fastening of the left and right track beams, screeds, distribution devices, and scraper conveyor. Check the tension and wear of the drive belt and chain.
This is how to convey the bottom material and maintain it after renting the paver. If you have any requirements, please feel free to follow our website and contact us http://www.tclqgc.com Consult and understand!

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