





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2022-09-19 发布人:
For any equipment, maintenance is required to ensure its normal operation, as is the case for cold regeneration equipment. However, the maintenance of this equipment can be divided into emergency repair and maintenance. What is the difference between these two states? Now let's talk about it for you.
The cold recycling machine will produce a uniform thick layer during construction, and there is no weak interface between thin layers in traditional construction methods. Because of its environmental protection, energy conservation and other advantages, it is loved by the majority of users. It can also improve the construction conditions and reduce economic pressure. It is the choice of many small construction units.
The main purpose of maintenance is to keep the equipment in good operating condition as far as possible, and it can enter into working condition immediately once there is a need for work. Moreover, maintenance also has established process requirements, which can be mainly divided into several steps, such as diagnosis, positioning, isolation, repair and correction, and all of them require maintenance personnel with certain skills to complete. In general, maintenance is more focused on the work gap and when the equipment is not working.
In case of an emergency, it will take a lot of time to repair according to the normal maintenance standards and procedures, which will seriously affect the construction progress and duration, and will also reduce the utilization rate of the cold regenerator. At this time, we need to carry out equipment repair work to quickly restore the equipment to its working state and ensure the project progress.
In addition, the residual cement concrete in the asphalt equipment shall be removed after daily operation, so as to reduce the wear of the mixing knife and prolong the service life of the mixing knife; Remove the dust from all components of the whole machine, and add grease to the lubricating parts to ensure good lubrication of the lubricating parts of the whole machine, reduce the wear of wearing parts, and thus reduce the mechanical failure caused by wear.
Check all fasteners and wearing parts, and solve problems found in time, so that some faults can be eliminated before they occur, so as to prevent problems before they occur; The maintenance can be carried out every shift. The service life of asphalt equipment can be extended by 800h on average, and the mixing knife can be extended by 600h.
The above is a brief introduction to the difference between the repair and emergency repair of the cold regenerator. I hope it can help you. Our company is a professional manufacturer of road construction equipment. We also provide equipment leasing services while selling equipment. If you have any related needs, you can call our company http://www.tclqgc.com Consult.

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