





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2022-05-11 发布人:
As a construction equipment, the cold regenerator has strict requirements on the hydraulic system. For example, the performance of hydraulic oil in the equipment should be very good, otherwise it will easily affect the efficiency of the equipment. So what are the requirements of the cold regenerator for the performance of hydraulic oil?
Proper viscosity. Viscosity is the amount of frictional resistance between molecules when oil flows. When the viscosity is too large, the oil flow resistance is large, the energy loss is large, and the system efficiency is reduced. In addition, the no-load loss of the main engine of the cold regenerator increases, the temperature rises rapidly, the working temperature is high, and the "hole" phenomenon is easy to appear at the oil suction end of the main pump. If the viscosity is too small, good lubrication conditions of hydraulic components cannot be guaranteed, which will aggravate the wear of components, increase leakage and reduce the efficiency of hydraulic system.
Good wear resistance and lubricity. The purpose is to reduce the mechanical friction of cold regenerator and ensure sufficient oil film strength under different pressure, speed and temperature conditions. The hydraulic oil with good oxidation resistance and stability is not easy to be oxidized and deteriorated after long-term use, which can ensure the normal circulation of hydraulic oil.
It is not easy to break milk and has poor foaming property. Demulsibility refers to the ability of mixing oil and water, not forming emulsion after stirring, and separating water from it. Defoaming refers to the ability of oil and air to mix and stir without forming emulsion and the ability of bubbles to separate from oil. After mixing with water or air, the bulk modulus of hydraulic oil decreases, the compressibility increases, and the hydraulic components move slowly, which is easy to produce impact and vibration.
Good viscosity temperature characteristics. Viscosity temperature characteristic refers to the degree that the viscosity of oil changes with temperature, which is usually expressed by viscosity index. The larger the viscosity index is, the smaller the decrease of oil viscosity with the increase of temperature during the operation of the hydraulic system, so that the internal leakage of the hydraulic system will not be too large. Generally, the viscosity index shall not be lower than 90.
Good rust resistance. The leasing personnel of the cold regenerator believe that the hydraulic oil covers the surface of the mechanical parts of the cold regenerator to prevent them from being oxidized and rusted. The ignition point and flash point shall meet the ambient temperature and the volatility shall be small to ensure the safety of hydraulic oil.
This is the relevant content of the requirements of the cold regenerator for the performance of hydraulic oil. If you need or are interested in the equipment, please follow our website at any time through www.tclqgc Com to contact us for questions.

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