





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2022-05-06 发布人:
  Cold regeneration is mainly used for the milling of asphalt concrete pavement and the regeneration of old asphalt pavement after adding asphalt, water and other materials. It can also be used for the infrastructure construction of roads, urban and rural roads, airports, docks, parking lots and other projects. Of course, in the process of using cold vitality to understand some of the problems on the road!
  Cold regeneration is used very frequently in the existing road construction, because when the road passes for a period of time, it will produce deep cracks, holes and wrap damage, which leads to a serious decline in the performance of the road. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out structural strengthening in order to fundamentally restore and even improve the driving performance of the road. As an economical road maintenance and reconstruction method, the main advantage of cold regeneration is to use 100% of the old materials to strengthen the existing paving, followed by a short period of time, less interference to public traffic and other advantages.
  The existing pavement is milled to a defined depth in order to obtain the existing paving material. These materials are then regenerated by adding a binder to obtain a new reinforced layer. The whole regeneration process is a one-time process. This process is suitable for repairing or upgrading a wide range of roads, from unpaved gravel roads to heavy load mainline roads, which are valued by many cold and regenerative leasing companies.
  Cold regeneration lease personnel consider that the use of machinery to work when the need for the regeneration of the mixture, should immediately use a grader preliminary shaping. In the straight line and the flat curve section without ultra high, the grader is scraped from the shoulder to the center of the road. Many times will face this, on the road surface in the process of shaping should be timely elimination of coarse and fine material segregation phenomenon. Both manual and mechanical removal of large chunks of unbroken old road-material.
  In addition, from the point of view of saving energy and transportation cost, using foamed asphalt for on-site cold regeneration is a more suitable process for asphalt pavement recycling. Using cold regeneration technology of asphalt pavement can save a lot of asphalt, sand and other raw materials, and at the same time help to deal with waste materials and protect the environment. It is consistent with the requirement of sustainable development to use existing pavement materials as much as possible for road maintenance and renovation.
  冷再生机对路面的一些问题要了解到的相关 内容便是如此了,如果您在使用期间出现问题却不知道怎么找原因的话,欢迎您随时来网站www.tclqgc.com进行相关的咨询。
  Cold and vitality of some problems to understand the relevant content of the road is so, if you do not know how to find the cause of the problem during the use of words, you are welcome to the website www.tclqgc.com for relevant consultation.

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