





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2022-03-26 发布人:
Application status of regeneration technology
Asphalt pavement cold recycling technology is a widely used technology in maintenance engineering at present. Although it has not been applied for a long time in China (about 20 years), based on its own characteristics and in line with the national strategic requirements of energy conservation and environmental protection, it has been widely used in large and medium-sized highway pavement maintenance projects in China in recent years.
From the current national engineering applications, the overall response is good. The introduction of the two local specifications in our province will not only promote the use of cold regeneration technology, but also further improve the engineering quality of cold regeneration.
As one of the purposes of the application of cold recycling engineering is based on the recycling of old pavement materials, and the utilization rate of materials is high (the utilization rate is more than 90%), there are many factors affected in the implementation of specific projects (mainly the structure and material consumption of the original pavement). At present, Xuzhou hengchi construction machinery puts forward some suggestions on the common problems and Disposal Countermeasures in the implementation of pavement cold recycling machine project for your reference in practical application.
In situ cold recycling of cement
1. Design suggestions:
1) Design thickness of cold recycling layer: the design thickness of cement in-situ cold recycling should be determined by comprehensively considering the structural layer of the old pavement, so as to avoid the phenomenon of ultra-thin interlayer after the construction of recycling layer.
2) The proportion of the thickness of the old asphalt layer in the thickness of the recycled layer: in the case of heavy traffic, considering the strength requirements of the recycled layer and other factors, it is recommended that the thickness proportion of the old asphalt layer should not be greater than 30%. If the thickness of the asphalt layer of the old pavement is large, the old asphalt layer (part or all) shall be milled first, and then the cement cold recycling construction shall be carried out. Recycled materials for cold milling.
2. Construction problems:
1) Uniformity of milling and mixing: Aiming at uniform mixing and no segregation of recycled mixture, control and adjust the working driving speed and rotor speed (opening of crushing beam) of the regenerator.
2) Main factors affecting the strength of the recycled layer: cement dosage and distribution uniformity, control of mixing water consumption, compaction and sealing curing of the recycled layer, etc.
3) Longitudinal cracks may occur in the regeneration layer: water consumption control at the longitudinal lap joint of the regeneration machine, rationality of length selection of each operation section, etc.
The above is a detailed introduction to the leasing of cold regenerator. I hope it will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service http://www.tclqgc.com

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